Oct. 28, 2022

Healthcare Purchasing News has a proud history of recognizing talent and success in the fields we cover. Both award history and nomination requirements can be found by clicking on the headlines below:

CS/SPD Department Of The Year - NOMINATE YOUR TEAM

Saluting Sterile Processing Leaders

HPNrecognizes and honors sterile processing leaders and their staffs for the dedicated team effort required to make central service successful with our annual CS/SPD Department of the Year award. To the many men and women working together on top-notch teams at noteworthy hospitals across the country: Thank you.

Supply Chain Management Department Of The Year - NOMINATE YOUR TEAM

Saluting Healthcare Purchasing Leaders

Healthcare Purchasing News has recognized and honored materials management leaders, focusing on department directors and key executives between 1986 and 2000. In 2004, however, HPN expanded the honor to the annual “Materials Management Department of the Year” award, which acknowledges the dedication of the entire staff for effective and efficient supply management. We salute those men and women we’ve profiled in the past, many of whom have since changed jobs or retired, as well as the noteworthy hospitals with top-notch teams.

Are you an award-winning Surgical Services team? Share your story!

Lives being saved and bodies being mended within the operating room certainly represent an essential service in healthcare, but a growing number of providers are accomplishing their missions while monitoring, managing and improving their expenses. The OR may be a revenue generator for a healthcare organization, but that function also comes at great costs, making Surgical Services an expense center, too. Some forward-thinking Surgical Services teams are narrowing the gap between revenues and expenses within their facilities. Might that be your team? You won’t know unless you nominate your team for HPN's Surgical Performance Excellence in Supply Chain award! 

Are you an award-winning Value Analysis team? Share your story!

This team of clinical, financial and operational experts balance expense management with product and service optimization, with interdepartmental relationships and multidisciplinary communication and with patient care outcomes. This four-legged stool provides the solid clinical, financial and logistical support necessary for healthcare organizations to provide optimal care to patients and the community at large.

Might your team be worthy of recognition? You won’t know unless you nominate your team for HPN's Value Analysis Performance Excellence in Supply Chain award to debut and be featured in the October edition of the magazine!

Infection Prevention Operations Worth Watching - Retired

Healthcare Purchasing News recognized hospital CEOs with clear dedication to supply chain management with our annual S.U.R.E. Award for Supply Chain-Focused CEOs. From 2008 to 2016 we spotlighted chief administrators who actively SUPPORT, UNDERSTAND, RECOGNIZE and EMPOWER supply chain managers to be successful as strategic partners at the executive table.

P.U.R.E. Award For Supply Chain-Focused Physicians - Retired

Physicians Understanding, Respecting and Engaging Supply Chain

We want to recognize physicians who have made solid contributions to supply chain operations - activities, practices and thinking - and we want to further solidify and strengthen the clinical bonds between physicians and supply chain professionals. We’re witnessing more doctors and surgeons participating in supply chain operations with more depth than ever before, Physicians Understanding, Respecting and Engaging Supply Chain professionals or "P.U.R.E." This award goes to these docs who trust Supply Chain to enhance their clinical practices and the patient care they deliver. PURE Award for Supply Chain-Focused MDs
Sterile Processing Operations Worth Watching -Retired

Beginning in 2020, Healthcare Purchasing News adds Sterile Processing Departments to those we recognize and salute; those teams of professionals who seem to go beyond the call of duty to make a difference and succeed as tangible examples for others to follow

Supply Chain Operations Worth Watching - Retired

What makes a medical device worthy of Hall of Fame recognition and status? It's how the product helps clinicians to heal patients, how the product interacts with patients and for how long has it been in service capably, effectively, efficiently and reliably.