Kit Check’s Bluesight for Controlled Substances recognized by KLAS

Aug. 26, 2019
Bluesight for Controlled Substances heralded in industry report, earns rating of 93.2 out of 100

Kit Check, a provider of automated medication management solutions for hospitals, has announced that its Bluesight for Controlled Substances (Bluesight) diversion prevention and controlled substance management solution has been recognized by leading analyst firm KLAS Research in its next-generation solution report.

The inaugural report from KLAS, “Drug Diversion Monitoring: An Early Look at Emerging Vs. Established Technology,” highlights hospitals and health systems’ need for drug diversion monitoring technology amidst the national opioid epidemic.

One of only two reviewed solutions categorized as “next generation” in the market with significant customer adoption, Kit Check’s Bluesight for Controlled Substances received an overall performance rating of 93.2* out of 100, noting that its customers are highly satisfied overall with the system, which integrates multiple data sources into an easy-to-use dashboard that simplifies drug-diversion investigations.

The report states that Kit Check sets their customers up for success by setting clear expectation, providing training and helping organizations optimize the system. KLAS found that 100 percent* of Kit Check’s customers would purchase the solution again, plan to have it as part of their long-term strategy for drug diversion prevention and control, and state that the company keeps its promises and does not “nickel-and-dime” its customers. Easily integrated with electronic medical records (EMRs), Bluesight for Controlled Substances provides customers with comprehensive behavior analysis necessary for thorough investigations.

Bluesight ranked first in its category in accuracy, with an 8.0 rating, and first in workflow with an 8.2 rating. From the 16-20 customers cited in the KLAS report as of May 2019 (which counts health systems as unique customers), Kit Check’s Bluesight for Controlled Substances customer base has grown to 102 hospitals spanning 30 health systems, including seven system-wide implementations.

Bluesight was the only platform to receive customer validation across all capability categories evaluated, and is one of only a few that can support both profiled access (e.g., nursing) and unprofiled access (e.g., OR) care areas. The EMR integration available with Bluesight for Controlled Substances dramatically improves customer success because it enables analytics tools to compare all drug-use data from the electronic medication administration record (eMAR) and other systems, not just dispensing systems, closing the loop on the full medication administration and management process.