Healthcare Purchasing News 40 Under 40

Oct. 25, 2023
HPN's 40 Under 40 program recognizes professionals working in the healthcare industry who are making a significant contribution to their organization’s success—nominate yourself or someone you know deserving of this award today!

The Healthcare Purchasing News 40 Under 40 program recognizes professionals working in the healthcare industry who are making a significant contribution to their organization’s success. This program is open to end-users, vendors, consultants, professors, and everyone working within healthcare.

To qualify for Healthcare Purchasing News' 40 Under 40 program, nominees must be 39 years old or younger as of December 31, 2023. You may recommend anyone you feel deserves it, and you are welcome to nominate yourself.

Winners will be chosen by the Healthcare Purchasing News' Editorial Team and staff and winners will be announced in the February issue of the Healthcare Purchasing News Magazine. Additional recognition will be featured on the Healthcare Purchasing News website and via social media. All winners will also be given a special 40 Under 40 image for their email signature and social media.

Winners will be contacted by Healthcare Purchasing News.

Nominate yourself or someone you know deserving of this award by filling out this form today!