Research Solutions Launches AI Tool Used to Improve Search Quality for Clinical Trials

April 16, 2024
Researchers will be able to use AI to narrow and filter their searches for clinical trial information.

Research Solutions has launched an AI tool meant to make it easier to sift through clinical trials so that healthcare workers can find important information, according to a release from PR Newswire.

The new tool offers features such as “adverse event filtering, detailed analytics, and guided search and refinement” for finding and filtering clinical trial information. It is also meant to “identify the most experienced Principal Investigators (PIs) and relevant publications for…specific research areas.”

Some of the benefits laid out in the article include “enhanced PI discovery,” “flexible research experience,” allowing researchers to “tailor their investigation process,” and “streamlined access to global data sources.”

Research Solutions adds this new tool to their growing portfolio that already includes ResoluteAI and scite. The tool will be used by “medical science liaisons, medical affairs specialists, and clinical development teams.”

About the Author

Matt MacKenzie | Associate Editor

Matt is Associate Editor for Healthcare Purchasing News.