April 2020 Fast Stats

March 23, 2020


has been characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO)


increases are needed in the manufacturing rates of personal protective equipment to meet demand as a result of COVID-19

 1.6 million

goggles, 89 million masks and 76 million gloves are needed each month, so healthcare workers globally can treat patients with COVID-19

 500 million

is the number of N95 respirators that the Department of Health and Human Services plans to buy over the next 18 months for the Strategic National Stockpile


tests per day is the estimate of current U.S. testing capacity by The American Enterprise Institute


 people ( R0) is the number one person can spread Covid-19 to as compared to Spanish Flu, which had an R-naught of 1.8. “R0 or R naught” is a mathematical term that indicates how contagious an infectious disease is.

 440 million+                                                                 

U.S. dollars have now been pledged to WHO’s Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan

1 year to 1.5 years

is the amount of time to produce a novel coronavirus vaccine


of companies in China report that there is not enough staff to resume work

Sources include: WHO International, CDC, Reslinc, and The American Enterprise Institute.