IDSA launches COVID-19 website for frontline clinicians

Sept. 28, 2020

With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Infectious Diseases Society of America (ISDA) has launched the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network (RTLN) microsite (

The site brings together the latest clinical guidance, institutional protocols, clinical trials data, practice tools and resources from a variety of medical subspecialties around the world.

IDSA recognizes that a vigorous, multi-disciplinary response is key to winning the battle against COVID-19. The information provided by the RTLN site is curated by medical experts with the goal to help clinicians from a variety of disciplines and other decision makers coordinate their response to this pandemic.

The RTLN site provides links to a variety of interactive programs and learning opportunities for clinicians not only practicing in infectious diseases, but also in critical care, emergency medicine, and other specialties. The information is curated by medical editors to make the information available in a succinct, easily accessible format for busy frontline clinicians. The site highlights resources on trending clinical and research topics. It also provides access to IDSA’s COVID-19 Podcast Series as well as information on the weekly CDC/IDSA COVID-19 Clinician Calls.

In addition to its medical editors, the information on the site is guided by a multi-disciplinary Advisory Group consisting of medical representatives from 11 medical societies