Long-term COVID-19 patient guidelines

July 27, 2021

The Administration has released a package of guidance and resources to support individuals experiencing the long-term symptoms of COVID-19 or “Post-​Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC),” known commonly as “long COVID.”

 Guidance explaining that long COVID can be a disability under various Federal civil rights laws. The Office for Civil Rights at HHS and Department of Justice released guidance explaining that some individuals with long COVID may have a disability under various civil rights laws that entitles them to protection from discrimination.

Guidance that addresses the needs of children with long COVID who may be children with disabilities. The Department of Education Office for Civil Rights and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services issued a resource document providing information about schools’ and public agencies’ responsibilities for the provision of services and reasonable modifications to children and students for whom long COVID is a disability. 

Access to resources on disability support services. The Administration for Community Living at HHS released a guide to community-based resources that can help people if they now need assistance to live in their own home, go to work or school, or participate in the community. These resources can provide information about what is available locally; help people connect to services, such as transportation and personal care attendants; help arrange reasonable accommodations and access vaccinations; and more.  

Visit the Whitehouse for more.

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