Hänel Storage Systems continues business operations during COVID-19 crisis

April 1, 2020

Hänel Storage Systems has been granted status as an essential business by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Office of Governor Tom Wolf during the COVID-19 crisis.

Hänel provides automated storage and retrieval systems to customers in a wide variety of markets, and these include hospitals, military bases, federal government, medical devices and pharmaceuticals.  Should the systems installed at these locations fail in some capacity, the results could be catastrophic. For example, hospitals would have delayed access to much-needed supplies in storage, such as surgical masks, gloves and instruments.

For this reason, Hänel is permitted to operate throughout the present crisis, having proven to play a critical role in the manufacture and supply of goods and services necessary to sustain life.

Hänel’s exemption is subject to the continuance of and compliance with the social distancing and other mitigation measures currently in effect to protect employees and the public, by operating within virtual and telework operations established by the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In-person work at a physical location will be performed by the most minimal number of employees possible in order to deliver proper goods and services.

The shipping of spare parts will continue from Hänel’s Pittsburgh headquarters via a limited team, and requests for field service and systems integration will be handled remotely.

Hänel has the statement.

More COVID-19 coverage HERE.