CS Medical has announced the distribution agreement with AirClean Systems to offer the AirClean UV Light Box for the decontamination of N95 respirators.
The growing need to decontaminate N95 respirators has placed shortwave UV light as an alternative to other chemical-based methods. AirClean Systems has been manufacturing workstations with shortwave light for more than 20 years. CS Medical scientists and engineers worked with AirClean Systems engineers to take the known research data and apply it.
“The UV light box is another example of how small businesses can work together and provide solutions to emerging healthcare problems. CS Medical is committed to helping healthcare in this time of need and with this partnership we provide another piece to the overall solution of risk reduction.” stated Mark Leath, President CS Medical, LLC.
The UV Light Box is available in two widths and provide the decontamination of N95 respirators in a total cycle time of 60 minutes, 30 minutes per side.