Surfacide announces exclusive distribution of PathTrac

Sept. 19, 2023

Surfacide, a UV-C disinfection technology company, has announced they are the exclusive partner and provider of PathTrac, a clinical decision support software platform that allows hospitals to be more proactive with their infection prevention protocols in the operating room (OR).

By utilizing the four basic pillars of infection control—hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, vascular care and patient decolonization—PathTrac maps, reports and provides visibility to the pathways associated with protocol breakdowns in the OR leading to surgical site infections (SSI's). With more than 25 peer reviewed studies, PathTrac proactively guides OR improvement by implementing targeted interventions to achieve optimization.

PathTrac features include:

  • Reservoir Monitoring
  • Bacterial Strains Identification
  • Transmission Mapping
  • Easy to use sampling kits, swabbing takes only minutes
  • Virtual Training
  • Cloud Database and Connectivity

"We are honored to partner with RDB Bioinformatics and be the exclusive provider of PathTrac to hospitals around the country," said Gunner Lyslol, founder & CEO of Surfacide. "Optimizing OR hygiene protocols with this important technology prioritizes patient safety and has the ability to significantly reduce the risk of SSI's and HAI's, which is costing the healthcare industry more than $6.5 billion each year."

Surfacide announced its partnership with PathTrac at the OR Manager Conference in Nashville, Tennessee September 18-20 (Booth #926).

PRWeb has the press release.