March 2023

Photo 93535091 / Care © Monkey Business Images |
Illustration 29359048 © Ingridneumann |
A&s Primary
Infection Prevention

Infection prevention challenges require new solutions

Feb. 23, 2023
Effective information, training, and staffing remain keys to successful cleaning and disinfection.
Photo 213508042 © BiancoBlue |
Rtls Primary
Sourcing & Logistics

Advanced tech may turn heads, not hearts

Feb. 23, 2023
Not every healthcare organization’s consolidated service center, warehouse or storeroom can be rigged to function as a teched-out assembly line, anchored with automated guided...
Photo 101474788 © Ammentorp |
Scc Primary
Surgical/Critical Care

Communication, effort, time ignite OR quick wins

Feb. 23, 2023
For some hospital supply chain teams, working with the Operating Room or Surgical Services department can be a chore or depending on personalities, a necessary evil. But for one...
Flag Photo 85709882 © Somartin |
Gloves Photo 114249826 © Maxroje |
USA Photo 39320039 / Abstract © Goldghost |
Infection Prevention

Let’s give gloves a hand

Feb. 23, 2023
The production of superior gloves within the medical field continues to expand and evolve.As we enter in to 2023, gloves have become a booming, billion-dollar industry that has...
ID 153303524 © Chernetskaya |
ST91 cover courtesy ANSI
Spd Primary
Sterile Processing

Updated ANSI/AAMI ST91: progress to date and challenges faced one year later

Feb. 23, 2023
March 2023 marks one year since the final ANSI/AAMI ST91:2021, flexible and semi-rigid endoscope processing in healthcare facilities was published. The updated standard is intended...

More content from March 2023

ID 170784237 © Karsten Eggert |
2303 Ce Steris
Continuing Education

Washer-Disinfector and Cart Washer Racks

Feb. 23, 2023
Using the right rack; choosing the right cycle; and servicing the washer-disinfector are critical to the success of cleaning.
Sp Insights Primary
Sterile Processing

Water quality and hardness: to spot, or not to spot?

Feb. 23, 2023
Q “We have what I call a ‘white film’ on the inside of our washer. What are your thoughts?”AI have seen inside washer disinfectors (WD) in many departments (Figure 1) that fit...
Photo courtesy of HSPA
Hspa Primary1
Sterile Processing

2023 HSPA Conference Brings Top SP Education to Nashville

Feb. 23, 2023
HSPA’s Annual Conference is the Sterile Processing (SP) profession’s leading in-person educational and networking event, drawing more than 1,000 attendees across all SP titles...
Value Delivered Primary
Sourcing & Logistics

Artificial intelligence and fake news: imagining the potential for AI chatbots

Feb. 23, 2023
If you are like me, you are intrigued by the recent hype around ChatGPT, and its potential applications in healthcare and the supply chain. I have started using the AI chatbot...
Photo 44130070 © Wavebreakmedia Ltd |
Dreamstime Xxl 44130070
Sourcing & Logistics

Calling time out

Feb. 23, 2023
Fallout from the 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger disaster motivated the publication of a popular political cartoon sporting the caption, “The O-Ring Committee,” a reference to the...
Photo 181535842 © Chayakorn Lotongkum |
Dreamstime Xxl 181535842
Surgical/Critical Care

The health of healthcare

Feb. 23, 2023
Just how scary a place is the modern hospital? Well, the statistics don’t lie. The places that we rely on to heal and receive top medical care can be potential breeding grounds...