TNAP names participating organizations in new accreditation initiative

Aug. 22, 2019
Six beta organizations to provide early feedback prior to launch of accreditation program

The Trusted Network Accreditation Program (TNAP) collaborative, established to directly align with the 21st Century Cures Act and the development of the Trusted Exchange Framework with Common Agreement (TEFCA), has named six healthcare organizations, selected by the TNAP Steering Committee Beta Workgroup, who are serving as beta candidates and initial testing sites for its draft accreditation program.

The participating beta organizations have developed specific use cases and are providing feedback to the program, through September 1, ahead of the official launch of TNAP v1.0 later this year.

TNAP will provide third-party accreditation for healthcare exchange entities such as qualified health information networks (QHINs), participants, health information exchanges, accountable care organizations, data registries, participant members and other stakeholders.

"The Trusted Network Accreditation Program will be driven heavily by our beta organizations who are eager to establish the means for an independent third-party review and assessment," said Lee Barrett, executive director and CEO of the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC), one of the organizations involved in facilitating the initiative. "Through ongoing communication with these organizations during the beta period, we have the ability to better understand how users receive and implement the program and its corresponding criteria. This feedback will prove crucial as we move toward finalizing this accreditation program aimed at promoting interoperability by assuring healthcare exchange entities are adhering to the latest best practices and standards in privacy and security, as well as meeting all current federal privacy and security compliance mandates."

 The participating beta organizations that have developed specific use cases and are providing ongoing feedback to the program's criteria until September 1 include:

• EMR Direct- A leading developer of software for secure health information exchange and provider of Direct Messaging, HL7 FHIR®, IHE Query and Identity Services, will focus on delivering APIs that provide QHIN participants with simplified access to TEFCA interoperable exchange, designed for rapid integration into existing customer platforms. Building on EMR Direct's extensive experience with HL7 FHIR, the FHIR standard is an additional option for participant access.

•  eP3 Foundation- This nonprofit privacy organization is developing a broad-based technical infrastructure, focusing their use case on consent tracking between guardians and foster children.

• IdentTrust- Part of HID Global, IdenTrust is a leading provider of digital certificates that establish the basis for trusted identity solutions recognized by financial institutions, healthcare providers, government agencies and enterprises around the world. Their use case is focusing on the emphasized identity and authentication portions of future data exchange.

• iShare Medical- iShare Medical will provide QHIN participants the ability to securely share health information among trusted identity managed endpoints regardless of care setting, provider or EHR system. iShare Medical's use case focuses on HIPAA compliant registration for notification and sharing of medical records.

• Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN)- Functioning as a Health Information Exchange (HIE), this organization's use case is focused on testing the admission, discharge and transfer information to enhance coordinated clinical care.

• Secure Health Information Technology, Corp. (SecureHIT)- This Puerto Rico-based Health Information Service Provider (HISP) is facilitating the communication of lab results between the hurricane-ravaged satellite island and the mainland.

In July, the collaboration announced a 60-day public comment and review period of the TNAP v.1.0 draft criteria for its accreditation program. During this time, the healthcare industry was invited to offer feedback on the criteria for this new accreditation program which will close September 19.

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