Vizient Pharmacy Network releases ‘High-Value Pharmacy Enterprise Project’

Feb. 17, 2021

Vizient, Inc. announced the publication of its High-Value Pharmacy Enterprise Project (HVPE), a report produced by healthcare organization pharmacy leaders who participate in the Vizient Pharmacy Network.

The full report, a combination of literature review, consensus statements and performance recommendations, addresses clinical services and business services such as cost management, revenue integrity and business growth as well as makes technology recommendations.

The HVPE report is a resource for health system pharmacy leaders and C-suite executives. It identifies areas of published research of statistically significant improvement in patient outcomes in pharmacy services and roles. The report is a follow up to “Strategic approach for improving the medication-use process in health systems: The high-performance pharmacy practice framework” published in 2007.

“Pharmacy services must be viewed as enterprises that have oversight responsibility for all aspects of the medication-use process across the health system,” said Karl Matuszewski, vice president, Pharmacy Network, for Vizient. “The findings from the project are intended to inspire health system pharmacies to attain the highest level of professional practice to meet the evolving needs of the organizations and the patients they serve over the next five years.”

The report calls on pharmacy enterprises to demonstrate their value to individual patient outcomes, population health, and the overall success, including financial success, of their health system. Through eight key domains, the report’s authors address an expansive list of topics:

·        Patient care services in the ambulatory, specialty pharmacy and inpatient settings

·         Safety and quality

·         Pharmacy workforce

·         Information technology including data analytics and information management

·         Business practices

·         Leadership 

Vizient, Inc. has the release.