Sterile Processing Week recognizing vital health professionals

Oct. 13, 2022

The Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA) is celebrating Sterile Processing Week from October 9 through October 15.

Sterile Processing Week (formerly named ‘International Central Service Week’) recognizes the committed specialists that fill Sterile Processing departments and make a difference in patient care. Held annually, Sterile Processing Week starts with the second Sunday in October. HSPA celebrates these dedicated professionals for all their outstanding achievements—not just this week, but year-round! It is the association’s hope that Sterile Processing Week brings the appreciation and respect so greatly deserved. HSPA recognizes each Sterile Processing professional as an essential contributor to patient safety and quality service.

About Sterile Processing Week

HSPA would like to take a moment to thank every Sterile Processing professional for the heart and soul that they put into their work each day.

With their tireless dedication, healthcare customers can count on clean and sterile instruments that are used on patients. With their ongoing due diligence and dependable equipment and process monitoring, surgeries can be performed without delay. With their unwavering adherence to industry standards, best practices, and policies and procedures, patient safety is never sacrificed. All of this is because of you.

Tips to Promote Sterile Processing Awareness

Show Your Commitment to Patient Safety

Help raise awareness of the importance of adhering to standards and recommended practices to ensure safe patient care. Tell your Facebook friends or Twitter followers how proud you are to be a Sterile Processing (SP) professional. Use pre-written newsletter articles and press releases to share information about Sterile Processing within your facility and community. Offer departmental tours or an open house to hospital employees not commonly familiar with SP. Sharing your stories of why SP is important is one of the most powerful tools you have.

 Engage the Community

Create community awareness of Sterile Processing (SP) professionals’ vital role in patient safety and quality care. New resources and tips are available when visiting local schools to help connect with high school students and create understanding of and interest in the SP discipline. HSPA chapters can host outreach programs and events in their communities and invite an elected official to attend.

Advocate for Support

Send a letter to your elected official(s) to educate them about the Sterile Processing profession. One of the most effective methods for influencing public policy is direct communication between constituents and elected officials. Several states have proclamations ready for print and display within your department or hospital. If your state has a proclamation, you can use it to send a letter to your local paper or news station. Perhaps a story will be done to garner public awareness. If your state does not have a proclamation, there's no better time than today to contact your elected official and request one.

Proclamations from governors are a great way to get support for the Sterile Processing profession during Sterile Processing Week.

Sterile Processing Week Proclamations

Celebrate Your Team

Give Sterile Processing SP professionals heightened visibility with a memento—or honor a colleague by making a donation to the HSPA Foundation in their name. Sterile Processing Week is also a time to reflect on professional development. Contact a local vendor to offer an intensive workshop with your staff to promote education. Create a poster for your department depicting a success story that occurred in the past year, or a bulletin board with staff pictures and employment history. Offer a scholarship for staff to become certified or distribute certificates to employees that helped achieve departmental goals. Send a personal note or card to each member of your team, thanking them for their contributions toward better patient safety and care.

HSPA release

ID 21633479 © Sharpshot |
Photo courtesy: NorthShore University HealthSystem, HPN’s 2022 SPD of the year
Photo courtesy: NorthShore University HealthSystem, HPN’s 2022 SPD of the year
ID 332526084 © Michalsuszycki |