New Study from University Hospitals Shows Time-Saving Advantage of Wireless Arthroscopic Camera

Dec. 13, 2022
The study is part of a broader collaboration between Lazurite and University Hospitals (UH) Ventures

A new study conducted by University Hospitals Health System (UH) comparing the time it takes to set up and take down a traditional wired arthroscopic camera system in an operating room versus the new ArthroFree Wireless Camera System finds that the wireless system is 45% faster to assemble and 23% faster to disassemble compared with a traditional wired system. The study, by James S. Williams M.D., Jeff Ustin M.D., James Voos M.D., Jacob Calcei M.D., Kendra Gardiner, MBA, and Patrick Polito, M.S., is published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Experience & Innovation, available here 

The study was conducted at UH under simulated operating room (OR) conditions by OR nurses and scrub technicians with varying degrees of experience with arthroscopic equipment.  

The ArthroFree System, developed by Lazurite, is the first wireless camera for arthroscopy and general endoscopy to receive 510(k) market clearance from the Food and Drug Administration. The system eliminates the need for power and light cords, which is expected to make setup and takedown easier. The system is also designed to allow more ergonomic and efficient surgical movements, which is expected to shorten procedure time.  

“This study, while done under ideal conditions, did demonstrate that the ArthroFree System will save operating room time,” Dr. Calcei said. “Based on my experience, I am optimistic about the time saving and ease of use advantages of the ArthroFree wireless system.”  

“Our surgeons and surgical teams are excited to work hands-on with the ArthroFree system as part of this study,” said James Voos, M.D., Chair, Department of Orthopedic Surgery at UH Cleveland Medical Center, and the head surgeon on the project. “This aligns with our focus on continuing to advance our orthopedic clinical, educational, and research objectives.”  

Based on several independent estimates of the cost per minute of OR time, the projected savings per case in this study ranged from $10 to $117. While these savings are modest, the authors noted, the study was a simulation conducted under ideal conditions without the other distractions common in operation rooms and did not measure any time saving related to the wireless camera that a user may experience during a surgical procedure. Additionally, an earlier unrelated study of cost savings in the operating room observed that saving two seconds per case resulted in a $17,000 savings over the course of a year. And a 2018 study noted that for every additional minute a patient spends under anesthesia their risk of a complication increases by 1%.  

The study is part of a broader collaboration between Lazurite and University Hospitals Ventures, the innovation and commercialization arm of UH, that includes an investment in Lazurite.