UVDI awards scholarships for AHE Exchange 2022

Sept. 20, 2022

UVDI received an overwhelming response for its AHE 2022 Exchange Scholarship Grant program, which made it no easy task to select three recipients.

UVDI is proud to award three $1,500 Scholarship Grants for AHE Exchange 2022 to these exceptional Environmental Services leaders:

Amelia Davis, Environmental Services Operations Manager, Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital in Valencia, California.  Amelia's Environmental Services Team successfully deploys 11 UV room disinfection devices in patient, public-facing and high-risk areas throughout her facility.

Toby Purvis, Director of Environmental Services, Valley Medical Center in Renton, Washington. Toby's excellent collaboration with his Administration and Infection Prevention has driven Patient Outcomes and made UV room disinfection a standard of excellence. 

Ray Sheehan, Environmental Services Trainer, Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Ray's innovative use of video and Virtual Reality in his facility's CHEST program has driven excellent results based on 95% compliance in use. 

UVDI release