RGA announces digital health data scoring service

Feb. 5, 2020

Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (RGA) announced that its Digital Health Data (DHD) Risk Scoring service is now available for U.S. life insurers. This real-time platform evaluates structured electronic medical record and medical claims data and derives an actionable underwriting risk score for seamless integration within a carrier’s underwriting system.

“Electronic medical records and claims data are made up of literally hundreds of thousands of medical codes, which, up until now, has made applying this data to risk assessment prohibitively slow and complex for carriers,” said Dianne Schuetz, Vice President, Business Initiatives, RGA. “RGA started dedicating resources to solve this industry challenge over a decade ago, recognizing that this data would revolutionize the underwriting process.” Schuetz added. “Our DHD solution is designed for efficiency, transcending just the aggregation of electronic medical records and claims data, to provide interpretation, translation, and consistency for underwriters.”

As digital health data becomes more widely available across the U.S., carriers such as USAA Life Insurance Company (USAA Life), are working to leverage this data and RGA’s DHD solution to reduce applicant wait time, provide more consistent underwriting decisions, and ultimately help their applicants obtain the protection they need.

RGA has the announcement.