Jump Technologies announced that it will roll out expanded capabilities for its Case Companion solution later this month. The new capabilities will support the tracking and management of implantable devices, which are among a hospital’s most expensive inventory.
Case Companion is built to optimize clinical workflows, reduce costs in procedural areas, and increase hospital revenue through improved materials capture. The company says these latest enhancements to Case Companion will help hospitals improve patient care and their financial performance by providing a simple point of use system.
“The most expensive inventory in a hospital is found in procedural areas,” said John Freund, CEO of Jump Technologies. “Surgical materials are complex to manage because they are heavily influenced by physician preferences. And, because most implantable devices are brought into a hospital by reps in the form of trunk stock and consignment inventory, it’s easy to lose control of this expensive inventory, which can cost hospitals millions of dollars.”
According to Freund, Case Companion solves the problems caused by inaccurate tracking of implantable devices by providing a mobile, point-of-use solution that allows nurses to record consumption, including lot, serial number, expiration dates, and UDI-DI or GTIN for all implantable devices that are stocked or brought into the OR. After recording the use of an implantable device, the Case Companion platform updates the EHR with implants used and wasted; decrements inventory and generates replenishment requisitions to the ERP system; and triggers purchase orders in the ERP system for bill only, consignment inventory, and trunk stock, if needed.
Recent estimates indicate that hospitals spend approximately $200 billion on medical devices each year. Case Companion ensures accurate billing and reimbursement for these high-cost, high-value items