PINC AI launches INsights, an enhanced technology offering for customized, on-demand healthcare analytics
PINC AI, the technology and services platform of Premier, Inc, has launched INsights, an enhanced self-service healthcare solution for the creation of customized, on-demand analytics.
INsights is a vendor-agnostic analytics platform that accesses PINC AI’s cleansed, standardized, and risk-adjusted healthcare data, covering more than 45 percent of all U.S. hospital inpatient discharges. INsights users can leverage pre-developed analytics developed by PINC AI, as well as conduct customized data queries and visualizations using PINC AI or their own data sources. The platform will also serve as a development community, where users can crowdsource and share information, measures, queries and more with others.
INsights will be hosted on Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics, providing users access to a reliable cloud-based platform and next-generation tools to accelerate their use of analytics and AI. With PINC AI data running on Azure Synapse, users will accelerate their time to insight with the unified experience that brings together the entire analytics lifecycle into a single pane of glass.
According to past data surveys, data scientists spend 70 to 80 percent of their time on data preparation tasks, such as loading and cleansing data. This significantly reduces their ability to be consultants and storytellers of their organizational data. INsights reduces this burden by providing access to pre-loaded datasets that are cleansed, normalized and linked together, automating all the data preparation tasks.
Early pilot-testing organizations leveraging INsights used the platform to create analytics that assess and measure a host of quality improvement efforts, including patient safety indicators, lab order turnaround times, length of stay by specific conditions and time to treatment metrics.