Save the date for the 2018 AHVAP Education Conference & Supplier Showcase

Feb. 21, 2018

This year’s annual 2018 Association Of Value Analysis Professionals (AHVAP) Education Conference & Supplier Showcase will focus on the Evolution in Healthcare Value Analysis.

AHVAP is an organization of nurses and clinical professionals whose expertise bridges the gap between clinical staff and the supply chain process. Using evidence-based data, professional experience, and an understanding of the cost/quality continuum, these professional Value Analysis facilitators guide the clinical staff in the product selection process and assist with the resolution of quality concerns.

Many AHVAP members coordinate their hospital Technology Assessment committees which engage physicians in the approval of emerging medical technologies that impact the cost of healthcare.

AHVAP is specifically concerned with Value Analysis in the healthcare arena. It has emerged out of an informal network of nurses sharing information and experience regarding the best demonstrated products and practices that assure safe, effective patient care.

The meeting will be held October 17-19, 2018 at the Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort & Spa, in Clearwater Beach, FL.

AHVAP is also looking for Abstracts. The submission deadline is April 1, 2018. If you or a colleague have special interests, expertise or new and innovative approaches to the practice of Healthcare Value Analysis, please take this opportunity to submit a presentation proposal, or encourage others to do so. AHVAP is looking for concurrent session presentations that are 30 or 60 minutes in length.

Visit for more information.