February 2024

609720199 © Iftikhar alam | stock.adobe.com
Sourcing & Logistics

Supply chain strives for shelf respect in storage

Jan. 30, 2024
The chief supply chain executive at an award-winning integrated delivery network (IDN) in the southeast once quipped that he knows precisely when his team excels at their craft...
37129089 © Tyler Olson, 26709588 © Dmitry Kalinovsky | Dreamstime.com
Surgical/Critical Care

Surgical Suite Turnover: Best Practices from Gundersen Health

Jan. 30, 2024
Several nurses from Gundersen Health share pain points, successes, and best practices
133966204 © Africa Studio | stock.adobe.com
Infection Prevention

Nursing’s Role in Reducing Wrong-Surgery Incidence

Jan. 30, 2024
Research is confirming that the frequency of wrong surgery—which can include wrong-site surgery—can be dramatically reduced through effective surgical-team communication and following...
92082079 © Skypixel, 75182279 © Chrisp543 | Dreamstime.com
Sterile Processing

Here’s What Sterile Processing Professionals Have on their Manufacturer IFU Wish Lists

Jan. 30, 2024
Sterile processing (SP) professionals must abide by manufacturer instructions for use (IFU) when reprocessing instruments and devices – but today that’s no easy task...

More content from February 2024

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Sterile Processing


Jan. 30, 2024
Q: “We recently had a consultant come in and tell us we need nitrogen compressed air in prep/pack to blow out cannulas. I have never heard this before. I only know about...
Photo 175148615 © Roman Zaiets | Dreamstime.com
Sterile Processing

Good SPD-OR Relationships Enhance Resource Utilization, Cut Waste and Risk

Jan. 30, 2024
No other departments are more aligned than the Sterile Processing department (SPD) and operating room (OR), with each playing a vital role in the successes and failures of the...
204557142 © Andrei Malov | Dreamstime.com
Surgical/Critical Care

Patient Monitoring Check-In with GE Healthcare

Jan. 30, 2024
Healthcare Purchasing News connected with general manager of monitoring and patient care solutions at GE Healthcare to discuss challenges and solutions surrounding patient monitoring...
137506903 © Ivan Trifonenko, 288168664 © Heiness | Dreamstime.com
Sourcing & Logistics

Health and the Supply Chain Have Their Day at COP28

Jan. 30, 2024
Just over 11 years ago, Superstorm Sandy hit the New York City and New Jersey coastlines. I still recall the awe and the pride I felt as my friend Christopher O’Connor, ...
557322636 © 2ragon | stock.adobe.coom
3M Health Care

Fast Stats

Jan. 30, 2024
February 2024
102107914 © CLShebley, 493287301 © art_rich | stock.adobe.com, 136936989 © Neydtstock | Dreamstime.com
Sterile Processing

Bake Until Done

Jan. 30, 2024
My grandmother lived with my family in my parents’ home in Connecticut before I was born until she passed away in 1997 when I was 9 years old. Her parents immigrated from...