Google, Roche and other members added healthcare AI alliance

May 28, 2021

The Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH) reported the enrollment of multiple new members in Q1 2021, growing the organization to nearly 50 companies across the healthcare, life science and technology industries.

Signing on to support the advancement of AI in healthcare are Amicus Therapeutics, BioSig Technologies, CancerLinq, Celeris Therapeutics, Gain Therapeutics, Google, Hub Security, Lifebit and Roche, joining founding members that include Recursion, Insilico Medicine, Valo and Janssen, the pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson.

Founded in 2018, AAIH is an international advocacy organization for the responsible adoption and application of AI/ML technologies across the healthcare umbrella. By bringing together stakeholders from industry, government, academia and finance, AAIH seeks to foster changes that result in the best outcomes for patients. 

“Over the last few years, we have seen almost limitless opportunities for AI to disrupt all points of the healthcare spectrum — from medical records to drug discovery. But we need to focus on where we can have the most tangible impact now and what to work towards in the long term,” said Brandon Allgood, Ph.D., Chief AI Officer, Valo Health, and chairperson of AAIH.

In 2021, AAIH established four primary focus areas as the most immediate priorities: (1) Data Access, Quality, and Usability; (2) Fairness and Equity in the Application of AI; (3) Establishing an Effective Regulatory Framework; (4) Data and Technology Standards for AI/ML. Working groups have been stood up and progress reports are planned throughout the remainder of the year.

Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare has the release.