WHCC21 opens virtually with 140+ speakers on value-based care, pandemic recovery

June 4, 2021

The World Health Care Congress (WHCC21) starts June 8 to 10 as a virtual conference this year. This year’s theme is Preparing Health Care Leaders for Transformation During Pandemic Times and Beyond.

The meeting will feature more than 140 speakers, more than 75 supporting organizations and more than 60 sessions focusing on four core themes:

·         Value-Based Care: Take Practical Steps to Improve Payer-Provider Collaboration and Support the Care Delivery Process

·          Behavioral Health: Novel Approaches to Enable Behavioral Health Integration

·          SDoH: Developing an Effective Long-Term Strategy for SDoH

·          Self-Insurance Strategy: Innovations in Benefit Plan Design to Meet Employee Needs

The past year has forced healthcare stakeholders to adapt and make quick decisions to ensure the changing needs of individuals are being met effectively and efficiently. Priorities shifted and we witnessed a rise in telehealth utilization, more emphasis on behavioral health needs, and an increased focus on addressing health disparities.

As healthcare professionals continue to address challenges and navigate the complexities of care delivery, it is crucial for them to think outside the box and adopt new models that are sustainable and scalable. Moreover, now with a new administration, they must also prepare for policy changes. WHCC21 brings together executives from payer, provider, purchaser, government, and pharma organizations to discuss how to innovate, disrupt the status quo, and move the needle on quality, affordability and access in a pandemic environment and beyond.

This year, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in conversations on pressing issues including pricing, transparency, move to value, consumer engagement, virtual care, SDoH, behavioral health, employee health and well-being, and more.

Complimentary passes to WHCC21 are available for qualified individuals working at healthcare, pharma, and employer organizations. WHCC21 has a value of up to $3,995. In exchange for your complimentary pass, you are required to have three to five meetings with the event sponsors. To apply for a complimentary pass, register for the conference using Promo Code FASTFIVE21.

View the agenda at: https://www.worldhealthcarecongress.com/agenda.cfm?.

World Health Care Congress has the event.

More COVID-19 coverage HERE.