July 2020 Fast Stats

June 25, 2020

July to October

are projected to have a sufficient amount of N95 masks to meet the nation’s pandemic demand, according to a new White House COVID-19 Supply Chain Task Force report


is projected to have a sufficient amount of gowns (including reusable ones), surgical masks, nitrile gloves and face shields


major U.S. medical-surgical distributors’ best available data and historical demand data from the industry informs the “high-end demand estimates”  


of the U.S. medical-surgical distributors are part of the Big 6 Distributors 

$180 million

of N95 domestic production growth is estimated by winter 2020

20 million

DoD-donated masks were included in the April deliveries        

55 million

N95 masks per month are estimated from 3M China in June, July and August


U.S.-based manufacturing exists for nitrile gloves


White House task force projects N95 supply could soon meet demand, https://www.aha.org/news/headline/2020-06-10-white-house-task-force-projects-n95-supply-could-soon-meet-demand

White House COVID-19 Supply Chain Task Force RADM John P. Polowczyk, https://www.hassan.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/SCTF%20Demand%20PPE%20Chart.pdf