SCAN Health reported it has transitioned its strategic initiatives to HIMSS. SCAN Health is a knowledge mobilization network with a mandate to disseminate knowledge across global jurisdictions to accelerate supply chain transformation in health systems to advance quality, safety and performance.
“We are excited to transition our programs to HIMSS and engage with a wider audience as we continue to guide and prioritize the conversation on supply chain transformation,” said Dr. Anne Snowdon, scientific director and CEO, SCAN Health. “Adopting and scaling supply chain best practices in healthcare will reduce medical error, achieve value for patients, improve health system performance, and drive economic growth for companies. These are goals – and challenges – common to health systems in every jurisdiction. By joining HIMSS we can amplify this message and share best practices with healthcare providers, governments and market suppliers around the globe.”
“With the right technologies, processes, and methods, health system supply chains can be much more than just a way to stock storeroom shelves with medical supplies at the lowest cost per unit,” said Hal Wolf, president and CEO of HIMSS. “We saw the industry enthusiastically embrace the Clinically Integrated Supply Outcomes Model (CISOM) that Dr. Snowdon launched with HIMSS in 2019, and we are excited to continue that momentum as this Maturity Model reaches greater adoption, providing organizations with a strategic roadmap to advance supply chain infrastructure and strengthen quality and safety of care.”
Effective March 31, 2021, HIMSS will deliver SCAN Health’s annual networking event, virtual business case competition, and design competition under the leadership of Dr. Snowdon. These programs will support HIMSS’ mission to reform the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology.