Sutter Health, Sacramento, CA
Highlights: Modeling demonstrates a business approach to healthcare supply chain as well as a mature organizational and departmental development by way of a “fully baked” strategic plan and visual road map to convey performance improvement. Supply Chain measures service offering results via a variety of metrics and displays results using visual dashboards. Adapting and adopting “SMART” concepts, along with “7 Principles,” extensive benchmarking and other measurements to assess progress at a quick glance reinforces their resiliency and stewardship mindset via its Distribution Control Tower using a stock control manager design.
Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, IN
Highlights: Supply Chain “branded” itself internally as an ecosystem for better recognition, accountability and responsibility, and for clearly defining service offerings. SCORe stands for “Supply Chain Operational Resources enovation,” the last word representing innovation and technology. By identifying key pain points using a variety of metrics, including engaging in Lean Six Sigma tools, they have developed new roles and processes to bring about big leaps in performance improvement. They also have nurtured successful business relationships with suppliers and service companies that are reinforced through its visually oriented and outlined “Wall Walk” concept that profiles and showcases internal performance. Conducting rounds with clinical customers and maintaining flexible and open communications contribute to Supply Chain’s recognized value throughout the organization.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Highlights: Aligning and positioning Supply Chain with the goals, mission and values of the organization promoted the group at its core and reinforced its drive to fortify operations, processes and dashboards to maturity. Such progress led to the elevation of Supply Chain to the highest levels of the organization. Supply Chain created its own finance department, improved centralized demand planning through standardized processes for clinical, financial and operational collaboration. The group also demonstrated valuable expertise with its cross-functional Supplier Relationship Management strategy, Pharmacy collaboration, Operating Room engagement for process improvement and Capital Resource Planning via lifecycle management. The group also shined by developing an optimized and scalable logistics services network and through Supply Chain Informatics Team’s automated “patient take-home” supply process post-discharge for convenience.
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Rick Dana Barlow | Senior Editor
Rick Dana Barlow is Senior Editor for Healthcare Purchasing News, an Endeavor Business Media publication. He can be reached at [email protected].