HPN names Bayhealth SPD its 2021 SPD Department of the Year Award recipient

April 26, 2021

HPN announced Bayhealth Sterile Processing & Distribution (SPD) department as this year’s SPD Department of the year.

HPN editorial board, staff and awards committee acknowledges this special award from a distance as many industry events remain virtual for the health and safety of the public during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Bayhealth’s remarkable leadership, teamwork, partnerships and achievements prove once again how vital SPD departments are for supporting and improving healthcare delivery and outcomes, patient safety and satisfaction and facility efficiencies and costs.

“If Supply Chain represents the engine of a healthcare organization, then Sterile Processing & Distribution functions as the fuel injector/turbocharger, and Bayhealth’s award-winning Sterile Processing team epitomizes that analogy,” said Rick Dana Barlow HPN Senior Editor. “Here is a group that works rather seamlessly with Supply Chain, recognized and infused with influence by the C-suite, which can be a rarity.

“You’d think that Bayhealth’s stature would be the envy of all SPD teams, but with that elevation in respect comes responsibility,” Barlow continued. “This group isn’t satisfied with its already high levels of customer service, productivity, teamwork, education and training and strategic outlook. They’re continually striving to maintain it – if not surpass it – every year. That’s the mark of a top-tier SPD team, particularly during a pandemic.”

HPN has the story in its May 2021 issue.

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Photo courtesy: NorthShore University HealthSystem, HPN’s 2022 SPD of the year
Photo courtesy: NorthShore University HealthSystem, HPN’s 2022 SPD of the year
ID 332526084 © Michalsuszycki | Dreamstime.com