June 2, 2017

Saraguro Caton, Ecuador

PROGRAMS SERVED Animal Services & Welfare Community Development Dental Clinic Dental Services & Care Disability & Low Income Services Educational Programs Emergency Response Homeless Support Services Maternal Health & Infant CareMedical Clinics & Hospitals Medical Missions
Countries served 8 23
Orders shipped 60 273
Charity partners 33 105
Product sent ($M) 9.3 13.4

To improve the delivery of healthcare worldwide by gathering, processing and distributing surplus medical and health supplies to charities at home and abroad.

There are not many civilizations that can claim they avoided conquest during the Spanish invasion of South America in the mid-1500s, but the Saraguro people of Ecuador may be one of them. Located in the southern Andes mountains, their ability to band together to defend their people and their land centuries ago contributes to the continuation of their lively and distinct indigenous culture today.

As John Allison, an anthropology researcher who studied the Saraguro people, has said, “The Saraguros were fierce warriors and the Spanish were content to keep their distance so long as they received a share of the produce… Records indicated that in armed conflict, the Saraguros often came out on top. In a real sense, they were never really conquered.”

Much of the Saraguro culture hearkens back to the culture of the Incas. Similar to the Incan tradition, the Saraguros work within an agricultural system that emphasizes the interconnectedness of families, neighbors and the community. This interconnection and sense of community – of sharing, reciprocity and internal strong families – is part of what has helped the Saraguros overcome in the past and continue moving forward today.

Today, many of the canton’s approximately 30,000 inhabitants make a living through farming, raising livestock and several industrial arts – weaving, bead work, embroidery, and carpentry – though some are employed in health care, teaching and other professions as well. They continue to reach out to
help each other as families, neighbors and friends.

Working with the Charity Anywhere Foundation Globus Relief was able to support two shipments to further assist the people of the Saraguro region. The shipments, containing medical instruments, wheelchairs, hygiene kits, diapers, and dental equipment, were distributed amongst the community. The Charity Anywhere Foundation has also completed medical missions and other local projects using medical goods provided by Globus Relief. Like the Saraguro people of centuries ago and of today, we believe that when we serve each other as family and neighbors, we all come out on top.

About the Author

Globus Relief

Globus Relief was founded in 1996. While working in the salvage retail industry, two Salt Lake City businessmen were saddened to see viable medical and hygiene supplies frequently sent to landfills. Certain that these surplus resources could be rescued and put to good use, they created Globus Relief to efficiently channel overstocked, gently used, or short-dated supplies to humanitarian projects in Utah and around the world.  

Since our founding, Globus Relief has distributed over $1 billion (fair market value) of supplies to more than 800 charities at work in over 140 countries. Twenty full-time employees oversee the work of gathering, processing, and distributing humanitarian supplies in our 100,000-s.f. warehouse in Salt Lake City, Utah. Volunteers contribute an average of 225 labor hours per week, the equivalent of 5.6 additional full-time employees.

Globus Relief is known for strong financial efficiency, historically keeping administrative and fundraising expenses to under 3% of our total budget.