Survey finds health plans are struggling with value-based reimbursement

Feb. 15, 2019

HealthEdge, provider integrated financial, administrative and clinical platform for health insurers, just announced the results of its latest Voice of the Market Survey, a study of 151 health insurance executives and their organizations’ adoption of value-based reimbursement. The survey findings indicate that, despite being embraced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), value-based reimbursement has a long way to go before finding widespread adoption and success amongst traditional health insurers.

Key findings from the study include:

  • Health plans are divided on which value-based reimbursement programs are most successful, and respondents were nearly evenly split between patient-centered medical homes, accountable care organizations, bundled payments and episodes-of-care programs.
  • Health plans are struggling with internal (technology, infrastructure and administrative burdens) and external (member and provider engagement) barriers as they look to implement successful value-based programs.
  • Given the data points above, respondents are hedging their bets on significant growth in value-based reimbursement over the next two years.

“In order to be successful, insurers must leverage a modern technology infrastructure that is designed to support the complexities in configuration and administration of these risk-sharing arrangements across all stakeholders,” said Steve Krupa, CEO of HealthEdge.

Visit HealthEdge to request a copy of the complete report.