Why Facilities/Environmental Services Matter

July 21, 2021

Since the start of COVID-19 and now through new SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern, hospitals and healthcare facilities have established higher standards and best practices for environmental cleaning and infection control.

You will hear findings from our exclusive July EVS report on how the frontline EVS workforce has helped maintain clean and hygienic healthcare settings and protected staff, patients and visitors from cross-transmission of SARS-CoV-2, sepsis, C. diff, MRSA and other dangerous pathogens and healthcare-associated infections through:

  • staying current on EVS guidelines, policies and products
  • partnering with infection prevention and facility management teams
  • performing frequent and routine cleaning of room surfaces, equipment and floors in tandem with complementary air and surface disinfection technology

Additionally, you will hear industry experts present on the latest EVS cleaning and disinfection cleaners, tools, systems and services used to create clean, decontaminated and safe hospital and healthcare environments.